[sisatoday·sisaon]Interview] Dr. Koh Eun Seok, “Rhinoplasty for Men should be considered with discretion with different standards of beauty compared to Rhinoplasty for Women”-2018-11-27
[시사오늘·시사ON][인터뷰] 고은석 “男 코 성형, 女와 미적 기준 달라 신중히 결정해야”-2018-11-27
[sisaon][Interview] Dr. Jeong Cheol, “Canthoplasty is most effective when the face shape and the eye shape are analyzed before the procedure”-2018-08-14
[시사ON][인터뷰]정철 “트임수술, 얼굴형과 눈의 모양 분석 후 시술해야 효과”-2018-08-14
[Organic Life News]Improve Your Wide Forehead with Forehead Reduction surgery with Fast Recovery-2018-07-04